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Tuesday, March 28, 2017


I was in the middle of Round 2 and I slipped. I partook in SWYPO making pancakes with compliant ingredients. After that, I lost the momentum of Whole30.

Last night I attended CSA 101 at the library to learn about the CSA here and there was homemade bread, cheese, and gelato. I partook thinking a little wouldn't hurt. Now I've been nauseous ever since. I can't find any remedies to make it go away except time.

I need to write on a paper where I will see it every day:

What I learned: I can't even have freshly milled, local organic wheat or fresh organic pasture raised goat milk cheese/gelato. Now I know.

I don't feel like doing another strict round of Whole30 right now. I've lost 5 pounds this time. My round was only 3 weeks. I'm at 156.5 pounds! Sometimes I still struggle not to eat at bedtime. When I do it, I can't stop and eat a HUGE fourth meal. So now I just don't let myself have anything and I wake up feeling proud of myself for not binging.

I've begun training for my first triathlon! I am really enjoying swimming laps on a regular basis. I am enjoying a free 2 week membership at BroMenn Fitness Center. It is the nicest gym ever! I'll also get free weeks at LA Fitness and 4 Seasons. I plan on training with Whole30 nutrition except I'll take honey gels and electrolyte drink if needed.

I am making a batch of kombucha which I haven't done for years! Feels good to ferment again. I am trying two different brands of kombucha (GT's and Hummm) as the starter for a SCOBY and also two different kinds of sugar; white and coconut. We'll see which works best! I love doing kitchen experiments comparing foods. I have used different squash in the past for pumpkin pie and different kale chip flavors.

I'm really excited to be part of the PrairiErth CSA for 24 weeks in Bloomington! They are a farm in Atlanta, Illinois. They are certified organic and have a great philosophy on eating local. It will feel good to get my food fresh from my farmer instead of the grocery store. I also found out I can get my plant starts from them too. I want to begin planning my summer garden. I want to really focus my garden this year and have a plan instead of just planting whatever.  I still LOVE getting my eggs from my friend Cris from My Little Backyard Farm. We have also gotten their pork.

Now that I feel I have the have the hang of Whole30 I want to focus my blog on my triathlon and marathon training and on my creations with the CSA plus updates about how my garden is going. I'm hoping to plant herbs in the garden space by my front door. I haven't decided on what else I want to plant. So many options it feels so exciting!! I'm hoping the apple tree gives us lots of apples too! I want to make apple wine for the first time also!

Now if only this nausea would go away. From experience I know it will be gone by tomorrow. It always lasts 20 hours.

Monday, March 13, 2017

W30 R2 D8-15

I lost track of what day I was on. FIFTEEN ALREADY!! Time flies the second time around! A few days ago I had a sinus infection and took some generic Emergen-C vitamins in the middle of the night in water. For the next day I was severely nauseous and burpy. It was HORRIBLE! It happened after eating a banana/egg pancake but I think it was the Emergen-C not the pancake. But I'm forever grossed out by those pancakes. My body reacted the same way it did to that Ghirardelli chocolate bar I ate during reintroduction and regretted. I couldn't take the kids to school and spent the day on the couch in misery. I threw the package away so I need to go to Walgreens and see what was in it. It had to be sugar or artificial sweeteners.
Other than that and taking ricola for my cough I've been compliant. I took my last antibiotic today so I'm happy to be feeling better.

I still don't have Tiger Blood but I do have more energy because I ran for 1.5 hours yesterday and don't feel exhausted today. Improvement! I'm still really burpy though. It comes and goes after eating. I'm still trying to find the culprit. I think it is from sugar, even natural sugar, like fruit. It's annoying. When I'm REALLY burpy is when I also get nauseous.

Last night after showering I really wanted to step on the scale. I typically fight this urge. But yesterday I gave in. After running, eating and drinking water all day, I normally weigh 3-5 pounds heavier than I do first thing in the morning. So I was expecting last night to see a high number on the scale. It said 159. 159!!! I couldn't believe it!! I got on the scale 3 times to make sure it was accurate. This means I'm out of the 160s!! I've been working so hard to do this. That means I probably weight about 155 in the mornings. But I'll wait til D30 to find out!

I started at 183 at my heaviest. When I started Whole30 I was at 169. So I've lost 10 pounds on W30 in 1.5 rounds plus a month of reintroduction. NOT BAD!! This includes NEVER logging what I eat or counting calories. When I was doing My Fitness Pal I lost weight too. But would always gain it back when I stopped counting calories. So this is a BIG NSV!

I'm still trying to figure out my nutrition with exercise. I ate 2 hard boiled eggs and 1/2 a left over chicken apple sausage with zucchini for breakfast. I ate a larabar before the St. Patrick's Day 5k. I ran doing 1:00/:30 intervals keeping my heart rate at 140.  I felt fine afterwards so I ran another 40 minutes with MJ. I ate Thai Chicken Curry and felt burpy and nauseous. I thought maybe it was from the larabar and chia banana/strawberry packet I ate earlier. Fortunately the symptoms didn't last long and I bounced back. But I wish I could figure out exactly what makes me nauseous after exercise. I know when I go too hard I feel sick but I've been going really gently lately.

I started 30 Days of Yoga today. It felt good to do some stretching. My friend, Tara, from Tucson posted on Facebook about it which is why I'm doing it. It started 3 days ago but I procrastinated. Better late than never...

I've given myself permission to eat SWYPO foods this round but haven't. Mainly because I haven't felt like baking. But making Paleo bagels sound amazing...

Monday, March 6, 2017

R2 D1-7

I began R2 on February 27, 2017 with Courtney, Reuben, and mom.
Start Weight: 161 lbs, Waist: 35 inches
This round I am allowing myself to have some SWYPO foods but the ingredients need to be compliant.

This time around I had NO HEADACHES/NAUSEA during the first week. This is a HUGE NSV for me! I do feel tired though. I miss that Tiger Blood that I got from the first round. Hoping it comes back soon! I am now training for Lake Bloomington Half Marathon May 6 so I am running/exercising alot more than I was during the first round. I also came down with a cold so I took cold medicine and sucked ricola (not compliant due to honey) because I needed something for my bad cough. I also have worked alot more in the past week than usual so that may be adding to my tiredness.

I hosted a 14 person Prep Freeze Cook Whole30 party last week! I now have 10 Whole30 compliant meals in my freezer! It is going to make it SO EASY to stay compliant.
Here is the Clean Eating/Paleo/Whole30 menu:
Chipotle Glazed Pork Roast- Spicy, Kevin and I love it, Kids don't
Cuban Pork Roast
Lemon Pepper Chicken Tenders- Kevin's favorite
Cilantro Lime Chicken
Italian Chicken n Veggies- YUM! I made homemade dressing
Thai Chicken Curry- I add more curry powder to this one
Apple Basil Turkey Burgers- Great for the grill!
Sweet n Sour Meatballs- My favorite!
Chili- Paleo- I add celery to this one!

Some GOALS for this round:
1. Continue to be motivated to run/exercise. Get faster using Heart Rate Monitor Training and Jeff Galloway Run/Walk/Run Method. (Last round I wasn't motivated but that has changed.)
2. Regain Tiger Blood and feel like cleaning again.
3. Continue to offer my kids W30 food and try to get them to eat more of it. This will be the biggest challenge.
4. Lose at least 5 pounds and another inch off my waist. (Last round I lost 7 pounds and 1 inch off my waist. During Reintroduction I lost 1.5 pounds.)
5. Continue to have no bloat or itchiness. (Last round I had this. It has since gone away!!)
6. Continue to have my eyes no longer burn for no reason.
7. Focus on drinking 9-12 cups of water a day.

I Never Want To Forget

It's been awhile since I've blogged last. Lots has happened. I did a slow reintroduction. This list won't be very detailed because I haven't blogged in so long and forget the details of how I felt.

Here is the order and the results:

Yogurt (dairy): burpy

Paleo Desserts (sugar/honey): itchy

Yumz Sushi Restaurant (I'm guessing I was exposed to soy, dairy, sugar, gluten): small headache that didn't last long

Champagne and Wine on Valentine's Day (alcohol): small headache that didn't last long.

Ghirardelli Chocolate Bar: Nauseous for 20 hours. So bad I couldn't get out of bed to take my kids to school. I almost called in sick to work. The next day I was back to normal. I think the reason I felt SO BAD was because I ate SO MUCH chocolate. I couldn't stop. It is food without breaks.

Pulled Pork Mac n Cheese and 3 slices of Beer Bread (gluten): I had no energy the next day.

CONCLUSION: Diary, gluten, sugar make me itchy, burpy, and tired.

I really like Whole30 and the energy I feel on it. I'm starting another round on Feb 27 with my sister in law, brother, and mother.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Reintroduction: D1, D2, D3

I had homemade lactose-free plain dairy yogurt at breakfast after eating eggs. I felt a tiny bit of discomfort in my stomach. I was gassy and bloated within minutes. Lunch was yogurt over chicken fajitas. I didn't notice any symptoms but I was at work and really busy.
After dinner I had frozen bananas and yogurt ice cream! Once again I felt bloated and gassy. My body didn't have as many symptoms as I was expecting it to have. No terrible pain. Day 2 and 3 I'm eating Whole 30.

Day 4 is Super Bowl Sunday and I'm introducing Paleo desserts! I'm making chicken wings/drumsticks for everyone with sweet potato fries! 

W30 D29, D30, D31 ENERGY IS BACK!

Whew! What a scare! At 4:30 pm on D28 I ate Pork Steak. My energy returned immediately! I was low blood sugar all day. Hypoglycemic even though I had chicken apple sausage for breakfast but no eggs. SO THANKFUL my energy came back!

Day 30 I licked my finger after sticking it in X's Cheeseburger Soup to make sure it wasn't too hot. GUILT! I felt so guilty. So I'm doing W30 for an extra day.

Day 31. I didn't feel like trying anything new so I'm continuing for another day. I've decided to reintroduce homemade yogurt tomorrow.

Sunday, January 29, 2017


My Tiger Blood is gone. :( I took a nap yesterday from 3 pm-9 pm. Ate dinner and then went back to bed til this morning. I thought I would feel good today. Nope. I have no motivation to do dishes, laundry etc... This is so sad. I hope it is short lived.

On the plus side, I never get headaches, nausea, or burning watering eyes anymore!

But I want my energy back! I wonder why it is gone. I haven't eaten anything non-compliant. I wonder if it is from anxiety of W30 coming to an end and fear of going back to my old ways. Or that I have 4 parties at PFC in 5 days which is alot for me.

Hoping it returns soon.....

W30 D26, D27, D28 Almost There!

I can't believe my Whole30 is almost to a close! I have read and reread the Reintroduction section of the book to determine how I'd like to proceed post Whole30. I think I'd like to do a slow systematic reintroduction. Today is Sunday (1/29/17). W30 ends Tuesday (1/31).
On Wednesday (2/1/17), I'd like to reintroduce stevia in my tea. Thursday and Friday will be W30 as usual.
On Saturday (2/4/17), I will reintroduce my homemade plain yogurt. Sunday and Monday will be W30 as usual.
On Tuesday (2/7/17), I'll introduce a Paleo dessert. I haven't decided which one yet. Paleo bread with sugar free jelly and almond butter sounds devine right now!

I have been successful doing elimination diets in the past but I have always failed with the reintroduction period. Not. this. time. I'm determined and ready!

After having dates in coconut for my birthday, I have been craving sugar and sweets before bed. It scared me. I don't like feeling like I want to binge. That has since gone away which is a relief. But this lesson alone has made me realize I don't want to reintroduce much back into my food life. I would like to incorporate some Paleo bread and pancakes with Whole30 compliant ingredients.

Kevin has begun drinking tea in hopes of becoming less addicted to coffee and creamer. He talks about doing Whole30 one day. We'll see. He has been doing well on Low Carb so that's great for him!
Lately, I've been able to drink plain tea with plain almond milk and actually enjoy it! This is a first for me! NSV! I used to think tea tasted like dirty water.

Meal Plan 1/29-2/3:
Sunday: Pork Steaks with spiced applesauce on spinach
Monday: Zuppa Toscana in stir-fry form (I have no homemade broth)
Tuesday: Pork meatballs and green beans
Wednesday: Italian Chicken n Veggies (REINTRODUCE STEVIA)
Thursday: PFC meal with fried cauli "rice"
Friday: Steak with mashed cauliflower

Thursday, January 26, 2017

W30 D19-D25

Time flies when you are eating good food!
I made it through my first birthday on Whole30! And I didn't even miss cake. Last Sunday, Rochelle, Courtney, and Hayden came over for my birthday dinner and a dance party. I made Whole30 Sloppy Joe's. They are SO GOOD! Definitely want to make this meal more often. I made a "cake" out of fruit. It looked like something from Edible Arrangements. I also made date/coconut balls. After eating a date I felt like I wanted to eat them all. My cravings came back. I binged on them at bedtime. It felt weird since I haven't binged since before Whole30. It made me realize just how easy it is to wake up my Sugar Dragon. I also, was unmotivated to cook dinner after eating dates. I definitely DON'T want that.

We ate at Chipotle the night before my birthday. I had the chorizo salad and then went back for seconds with the carnitas salad. Guacamole, salsa verde, no dressing. The food was good but not as good as my cooking these last 3 weeks. Yesterday, on my birthday, I made Fake Lasagna, as I call it. It was SO GOOD! I was surprised at how much I liked it. Zucchini through the mandolin makes yummy "noodles". Cashews and nutritional yeast make yummy "cheese". Kevin and Xander liked it too! Dessert was sliced banana with tajin (chili peppers, dehydrated lime juice from Mexico). It TOTALLY hit the spot!

Tonight I made Egg Roll Soup. Kevin really likes it. It calls for Coconut Aminos. I'm so glad I discovered these. They taste like soy sauce without the soy.

One week til Whole 30 is over. I want to devise a plan for Reintroduction. From experience with the GAPS Diet, I have never been successful with Reintroduction. I typically just miss all the food and want to eat it all. I find it easier to be on a "diet" than I do a reintroduction. I know the first day I want to reintroduce my homemade plain yogurt. I'm hoping this can be part of my healthy lifestyle for the probiotics. But I'm worried my stomach will hurt as it has in the past. We'll see.

Typically, at an end of an Elimination Diet I crave everything I've not been able to have. Not this time. This is HUGE for me! Because I've been so satisfied with the foods I've been allowed to eat, the new meals I've prepared and the DRASTIC results I've had, I'm not in a big hurry to reintroduce foods.I would like to incorporate some Paleo desserts using dates, honey, or maple syrup!

Before Whole 30: -daily headaches -daily nausea -weight gain -very itchy all the time -cravings at bedtime -unable to control eating at bedtime -EXHAUSTED after work, no energy to do chores at home, burning watering eyes multiple times a day

Now: -no headaches - no nausea -lost weight (I'll know how much next week) -less itchy -cravings gone -no longer eating at bedtime -ENERGY to work all day, make dinner, do homework, chores, and NOT have to sit down and rest, no burning, watering eyes

Symptoms I'd still like to see gone: -biting/picking at lips -nervous habits of tapping side -itching completely gone -better memory of staying on task/remembering what I'm doing without distraction

Thursday, January 19, 2017

W30 D17 & 18

Last night we had the most AMAZING chicken nuggets EVER! Recipe is called Crispy Paleo Chicken Nuggets from Paleo Running Mama's blog. They tasted better than Chick-Fil-A Nuggets. We all LOVED them. Miles did think they were a little too salty. I definitely want to keep this recipe around. I felt great today! No headaches or nausea for the most part. I did feel nauseous after eating raw sweet peppers. I'm going to experiment and eat those again to see how I react. I've never known peppers to affect me before.

Work has been slow so I've been working less. The house chores have been kept up and new recipes are being tried every day!! I'm still in shock at how clear my head feels. I feel so organized which I'm not used to.  Tonight is Pulled Pork Tacos from Prep Freeze Cook. I made "tortillas" to eat it with. 4 T coconut flour and 6 eggs mixed with the immersion blender makes 3-4 tortillas.

I'm trying to decide if I want to slowly reintroduce food after the 30 days are up or if I want to extend my W30 to a W45. Doing 15 extra days feels more manageable than a W60. I think I'll reevaluate after every 15 days.
Progress I'd still like to see:
1. To become completely free of itching
2. To not forget why I came in a room
3. To be able to finish a task without being distracted
4. Continued weight loss (Goal of 145 pounds)

Progress I've made already:
1. Clear headed
2. Energy/motivation to make dinner every night (not relying on PFC)
3. Energy/motivation to keep the house clean (bathrooms, living room, kitchen, laundry done)
4. Weight loss (6 pounds in 2 weeks)
5. Less itchy than before
6. Less headaches/nausea (happens every few days not every day)

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

W30 D16 Tiger Blood

No headache/nausea today! Thank goodness! I made a point to eat alot of pork before eating potatoes for breakfast. It worked! I must remember to eat alot of protein before carbs to feel good! I continue to drink 9-12 cups of water a day! That fills my smoothie cup 3 times.

Last night I made Sloppy Joes. The BBQ recipe was from the Cookbook. It was okay. Meh. I think of BBQ sauce needing sugar and this one, of course, didn't have any. It was my first meal that I wasn't totally crazy about.

Tonight I'm making Zuppa Toscana. It's a recipe from the Olive Garden. We also make it at PFC. I only have dehydrated kale chips (recipe calls for kale) so I'll be putting those in the soup. We'll see how it turns out.  I may throw in some frozen spinach too!

Another day off work. I organized my PFC binder today. Now everything is completely organized. My head feels so clear. I took the dog for a run. Felt good to get out there! Marathon training begins in May for my October Chicago Marathon. I'm thinking about running the Lake Run Club Half on May 6 at Lake Bloomington! That will help me build my confidence that I can run long distances again! Plus eating this way will help!

I weighed myself and have lost 6 pounds (169 to 163) in 2 weeks. I'm not going to weigh myself again til the W30 is over. I broke the rules by weighing myself half way through. Oh well. I no longer worry about what the scale says every day. I have 12 pounds to lose to be the weight I was during my last marathon training (152). I know I can do it!!

According to What To Expect On The Whole30, today starts Tiger Blood! It is when you get crazy amounts of energy and want to clean/organize everything! This came early for me in the challenge. I now feel like I have steady energy every day. Depending upon if I have headaches/nausea depends upon how much I get done. I'm hoping that by eating protein before carbs in the morning will help keep my headaches away. Time will tell...

Monday, January 16, 2017

W30 D12-15 Vivid Dreams Eating Cake

Half way there! My headaches/nausea have returned but I still have good energy and am keeping the house clean/organized. Meal planning feels effortless by now. So many delicious recipes to try. On D13 I forgot to eat protein for breakfast with my Veggie Lovers Breakfast Casserole (had potatoes) and I had a horrible headache all day until I got off work and could eat a bratwurst. Headache went away immediately after eating protein. Sometimes I think looking at screens gives me a headache. I've had 2 vivid dreams where I ate a few bites of cake but didn't finish the cake because it didn't feel worth it!

I've made a Whole 30 Notebook and Paleo Notebook full of recipes I've found online. I really feel like this way of eating is going to stick this time. I continue to feel satisfied with the food I am allowed to eat. I want to continue beyond the 30 days....

Thursday, January 12, 2017

W30 Day 10 & 11 Clarity

Day 10

I worked at Prep Freeze Cook and then came home and still felt good. My eyes started watering/burning which reminded me that they haven't watered in awhile. This used to happen a few times every day. It feels like I am chopping an onion even though I am not near any onions. Looks like this is another NSV. (Non-Scale Victory)

I made the most awesome Shepard's Pie for dinner. It is in the Whole 30 p. 350. I made Lemon Kale Chips from Elana's Pantry and BBQ-Spiced Kale Chips from the back of the Whole 30 Cookbook as a taste test! BBQ-Spiced WON! BEYOND GOOD! I am blown away every day with how amazing this food tastes. I've never eaten so good in my whole life. I do not feel deprived at all. I feel VERY satisfied every day after a meal.

Day 11

I stay up too late in the evenings watching Once Upon A Time. I feel so good I don't want to go to bed. It makes for tired mornings. After taking the kids to school, I did the dishes, laundry, cleaned the bathroom, organized recipes in to cookbooks and began going through my files! This attests to how GOOD I feel. Sorting paperwork is VERY difficult for me mentally. It takes so much energy for me to organize. Normally I procrastinate it. But I feel so CLEAR_HEADED and want my surroundings organized so I jumped in and did it today! My energy is very stable. I'm VERY motivated to continue cleaning/organizing and eating Whole 30 with NO cheats!



I am getting the same results on Whole30 as I did on GAPS (lots of de ja vu)  but the difference is I don't want to cheat on Whole 30. I don't feel deprived in my food choices as I did on GAPS. It has been 15 years since I began having food sensitivities/allergies. The internet was newer back then and not a great resource. I remember reading in books at the library trying to figure out how I could eat without pain/discomfort. I was living with vegetarians who ate grains and remember feeling different because I wanted to eat meat with no grains. I lacked the confidence in telling others that I knew what was best for myself. I began realizing that food was a big part of our society when I could no longer eat the same as others without terrible digestive results. Whole 30 didn't come out for 10 more years. Paleo resonated with me but not the part about eating like cavemen. I eat grain, sugar, dairy, legume free because it FEELS GOOD not because a caveman did it. LOL My body just can't handle those ingredients. Such a relief to find something that works, that is more mainstream, meaning thousands of people have gotten results and know about it, and brings me so much joy! Whole30 on...

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

W30 D9 Remembering How Bad it Used to Be

Today I had absolutely no energy or motivation. I couldn't even wake up to get the kids ready for school. Kevin did. It wasn't til noon that I forced myself to eat (souffle and roasted veggies) and dinner (brats and steamed veggies) wasn't ready til 7 pm. Geesh! I can't believe this is how it used to be all the time. I've been having an exuberant amount of energy for the past few days and I think staying up late finally caught up with me. I plan on going to bed earlier tonight in hopes that my energy returns tomorrow. I've had this drive in me that was hard to turn off.

Other than that, no headaches, no nausea, and I actually pooped. Constipation has been another symptom.

I discovered Kale & Cigarettes. A hilarious blog about Whole30.

I'm hoping tomorrow I can make the Shepard's Pie that was supposed to be dinner tonight. I noticed today I felt VERY satisfied after eating meals. The food just tastes so amazing and delicious, more so than usual. 😀

Monday, January 9, 2017

W30 D8 Why I'm So Motivated To Do This For Life

I still have itchy bumps all over my back, arms and legs. But if I remember correctly they take awhile to go away. I do think I might itch a bit less but I could be imagining it. I got a headache at work when I used the glass cleaner to clean the windows. I remember from before that the more my body heals, the more sensitive I become to chemicals. I had constant energy at work and once I got home. I was able to grocery shop, make dinner, play with kids, and not have to sit down and rest. That felt really nice. I've been staying up later watching Once Upon A Time and no needing as much sleep. Experienced loss of appetite today. That was  new.

Why this "diet" feels different than others? I'm no stranger to elimination diets. I've tried repeatedly to stick to "diets" or "lifestyle changes". Once I am uncomfortable enough (itchy, bloated, headachy, gasy...) it is easy to eliminate the foods that cause the discomfort. I've done it time and time again. Once I heal enough I forget how uncomfortable I used to be, I get tired of eating restrictively, I miss quick meals, and I go back to my old ways. NOT. THIS. TIME.

I'm well prepared. I have all 4 Whole30 books and am reading them all. I feel so inspired because for the first time I'm not getting tired with the variety of food I can eat. The recipes are so vast and different that I won't get bored with it like usual. If I ever want to go back to eating my old way, I hope I remember how positive and motivated I feel right now and I hope that can be my strength to get through the time I want to "cheat".

2002 was when food started really affecting me. My symptoms were many and drastic. Passing out, diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, mood swings, itchy bumps... Now I no longer have mood swings because I take good meds. I no longer have abdominal pain or bowel issues because I've healed my gut enough. However, headaches are a new symptom I now have more frequent.

Breakfast: 1 hard boiled egg. I should have ate more because I felt shaky and nauseous from not eating. I had to force myself to eat that egg. I really didn't feel like eating.
Lunch: Leftover lime chili pork roast soup, cole slaw. I didn't finish my lunch. I had to force myself to eat. Headachy, shaky, nauseous from not eating enough.
Dinner: Salmon with avocado salsa SOOO GOOD!! Dinner was light but I was not hungry afterwards.
Late Snack: Frittata (eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach, onions) I sampled it because I made it for the first time. This will be my breakfast. YUMMY!

What I love most about Whole 30:
1. I'm eating wholesome real food. No supplements, shakes, etc to buy.
2. I feel supported because tons of people are doing January Whole30 right now, including some of my closest friends. I always felt alone when I did GAPS because not many had heard of it. It is so nice to not feel isolated or different.
3. I feel in control of my food choices. I'm no longer impulse eating.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

W30 D6&7 Clean All The Things While Shedding

Day 6

I woke up feeling absolutely amazing with energy! I wanted to organize and clean everything! This is very common for Day 6.  I went to 261 Fearless for an easy run/ exercises. It felt SO GOOD to exercise after not being able to do much since umbilical hernia repair surgery 6 weeks ago. I dusted all the wood furniture upstairs with wood polish. Things hadn't been dusted in 10 months. I organized all my cookbooks I've made in notebooks and went through all recipes and pitched things I know I'd never make again.

Breakfast was eggs, lunch and dinner were homemade cole slaw and tuna. I made a smoothie after 261 Fearless. I was feeling a bit nauseous and after eating the smoothie I felt perfect again. I've learned that I need carbs right after a workout. Smoothie: 1/2 c. almond milk, 1 frozen banana, spoonful of almond butter. I also ate a chia banana strawberry squeeze from Aldi after working out and felt back to normal. I want to stock up on those since Aldi doesn't always carry them and they work great for when I need carbs.

 I took mom's KFC recipe and revised it so I could eat it. It is SO GOOD! Originally the recipe called for 1/3 cup sugar. Yikes! I put a little unsweetened apple sauce and raisins in it for sweetness.

I felt like I was running on hyper focus. I forced myself to stop cleaning just to go to bed. I remember feeling this way when I did GAPS also.

Day 7

I woke up feeling normal, no crazy energy. But I still feel like organizing and cleaning everything. I finished organizing cookbooks, made meatballs from
They happen to be Paleo/W30 AND IP!! Score! Kevin and I LOVED them! Definitely a keep of a recipe. It is in my new W30 notebook cookbook that I made. I also meal planned for the week. I felt a tiny big headachy and sick until I realized I hadn't eaten or drank anything yet. Once I ate protein and drank water I felt great again. I'm used to it. My body is like that every day of my life. Eat a little protein and I feel great!

My hair is falling out more than usual today. It's detox. I remember this from GAPS and also after giving birth to my kids. I forgot how annoying it is. I keep pulling hair off my shirt. LOL Oh well, it will pass.

This week I plan on  making Salmon with Avocado Salad, Shepard's Pie, broth with that huge bag of bones that have been in my freezer for over a year, Butternut Squash Soup, Green Chili Turkey Burgers...

Week 2 here I go....

Friday, January 6, 2017

W30 D5

I woke up feeling awake and amazing!! Energy continued all day. No headaches, nausea, etc...
Breakfast: Sauteed onions, mushrooms, in eggs and salsa. It's becoming my me favorite breakfast.
Lunch: I took my IP bone broth from yesterday and added sauteed onions, celery, carrots, and mushrooms with leftover PFC lime chili pork roast. A little sea salt, granulated garlic, onion powder, and chives perfected it.
I craved crackers which is the first craving I've had since starting W30. I'm surprised I haven't craved more because when I attempted the first time I craved sugar like crazy.
Dinner: Same as lunch but with baby potatoes and avocado. The potatoes totally satisfied my cracker craving.

My W30 goals: 1. Itch less. I remember being itch-free after 3 months of GAPS. 2. No bloating. My bloating after meals had gotten so bad. 3. Energy. Sometimes I feel tired and I'd like to just have stable energy all day. 4. Weight loss. Inches lost. (Starting: 169.5 lbs, 36 inches) 5. Motivation to begin training for the Chicago Marathon. 6. No more daily/weekly headaches. So far I've been headache free since Day 3.

I know it's only D5 but I already want to do this longer than 30 days. We'll see. I'm thinking of making a "fruit cake" for my birthday! Having all the Whole 30 books makes it so much easier. The recipes are absolutely amazing. Tastier than GAPS meals. LOL 

Thursday, January 5, 2017

W30 D4

Today, W30 says you will be grouchy. I am not. I had mild nausea this morning followed by fatigue so I took an afternoon nap. Before W30, I was nauseous, headachy, and itchy every day from food. That all still continues. Especially itchy on my back, legs, and arms. I remember it taking awhile on GAPS before the itching went away.

I went to Kroger today and bought W30 compliantApplegate Hot Dogs and Aidell's Apple n Chicken Sausage. Yum! The whole family ate them up so fast. My goal is to mostly cook but I'm happy to know there is PFC and convenient W30 foods if needed so I don't stray. I bought a ton of veggies at Aldi to cook up tomorrow!

Breakfast: Eggs and salsa
Lunch: Shrimp, cashews, spinach, lemon & garlic Tessemae's Dressing, apple, banana.
Dinner: Aidell's Apple Chicken Sausage

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

W30 D3

Today was so much better. No headaches or nausea. A little tired in the morning but lots of pep in the afternoon. I even cleaned my house!
I added salsa to my eggs at breakfast. So tasty! Lunch was lime chili pork roast from PFC with avocado and picante, half an apple, and carrots. Dinner was a baked potato with PFC Buffalo Ranch Meatballs.

It probably also helped that I worked 4 hours today so I was thinking about other things, not just Whole 30. So far I've had no cravings which is surprising but I'll take it! It's so much easier to stay the course without sugar cravings.

Whole 30 Day 2 The Hangover

Day 2 is labeled The Hangover. It's no joke. Major nausea and headaches all day. I typically feel nauseous and headachy from food but today was much worse.

Breakfast: Slept in.
Lunch: 2 cans tuna, primal kitchen mayo (tasty!), Avocado
Dinner: PFC Lemon Pepper Chicken Wings (Yum!)
Snack: Banana, Chia Strawberry Banana from Aldi

I definitely want to make the lemon pepper seasoning again!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Whole 30 Day 1 1/2/17

I learned about Whole 30 last year and now own the books: Whole 30, Whole 30 Cookbook, and Food Freedom Forever! Whole 30 is like strict Paleo. Meats, veggies, fruit, nuts. No soy, legumes, dairy, grains, sugar (even honey). I'm starting this way of eating for 30 days with friends. I've done elimination diets in the past. I always feel better when I eliminate sugar. Cheers to the next 30 days!

Day 1: Excitement!
Breakfast: 3 eggs, orange

Lunch: Shrimp, Spinach, Tessemae's Balsamic Dressing, Cashews

Dinner: Lime Chili Pork Roast, Cholula, Sugar-free Salsa (from Kroger), Banana, Green Beans, Carrots

Update: Today felt easy. I had no cravings at bedtime which surprised me.