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Thursday, January 19, 2017

W30 D17 & 18

Last night we had the most AMAZING chicken nuggets EVER! Recipe is called Crispy Paleo Chicken Nuggets from Paleo Running Mama's blog. They tasted better than Chick-Fil-A Nuggets. We all LOVED them. Miles did think they were a little too salty. I definitely want to keep this recipe around. I felt great today! No headaches or nausea for the most part. I did feel nauseous after eating raw sweet peppers. I'm going to experiment and eat those again to see how I react. I've never known peppers to affect me before.

Work has been slow so I've been working less. The house chores have been kept up and new recipes are being tried every day!! I'm still in shock at how clear my head feels. I feel so organized which I'm not used to.  Tonight is Pulled Pork Tacos from Prep Freeze Cook. I made "tortillas" to eat it with. 4 T coconut flour and 6 eggs mixed with the immersion blender makes 3-4 tortillas.

I'm trying to decide if I want to slowly reintroduce food after the 30 days are up or if I want to extend my W30 to a W45. Doing 15 extra days feels more manageable than a W60. I think I'll reevaluate after every 15 days.
Progress I'd still like to see:
1. To become completely free of itching
2. To not forget why I came in a room
3. To be able to finish a task without being distracted
4. Continued weight loss (Goal of 145 pounds)

Progress I've made already:
1. Clear headed
2. Energy/motivation to make dinner every night (not relying on PFC)
3. Energy/motivation to keep the house clean (bathrooms, living room, kitchen, laundry done)
4. Weight loss (6 pounds in 2 weeks)
5. Less itchy than before
6. Less headaches/nausea (happens every few days not every day)

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