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Monday, January 9, 2017

W30 D8 Why I'm So Motivated To Do This For Life

I still have itchy bumps all over my back, arms and legs. But if I remember correctly they take awhile to go away. I do think I might itch a bit less but I could be imagining it. I got a headache at work when I used the glass cleaner to clean the windows. I remember from before that the more my body heals, the more sensitive I become to chemicals. I had constant energy at work and once I got home. I was able to grocery shop, make dinner, play with kids, and not have to sit down and rest. That felt really nice. I've been staying up later watching Once Upon A Time and no needing as much sleep. Experienced loss of appetite today. That was  new.

Why this "diet" feels different than others? I'm no stranger to elimination diets. I've tried repeatedly to stick to "diets" or "lifestyle changes". Once I am uncomfortable enough (itchy, bloated, headachy, gasy...) it is easy to eliminate the foods that cause the discomfort. I've done it time and time again. Once I heal enough I forget how uncomfortable I used to be, I get tired of eating restrictively, I miss quick meals, and I go back to my old ways. NOT. THIS. TIME.

I'm well prepared. I have all 4 Whole30 books and am reading them all. I feel so inspired because for the first time I'm not getting tired with the variety of food I can eat. The recipes are so vast and different that I won't get bored with it like usual. If I ever want to go back to eating my old way, I hope I remember how positive and motivated I feel right now and I hope that can be my strength to get through the time I want to "cheat".

2002 was when food started really affecting me. My symptoms were many and drastic. Passing out, diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, mood swings, itchy bumps... Now I no longer have mood swings because I take good meds. I no longer have abdominal pain or bowel issues because I've healed my gut enough. However, headaches are a new symptom I now have more frequent.

Breakfast: 1 hard boiled egg. I should have ate more because I felt shaky and nauseous from not eating. I had to force myself to eat that egg. I really didn't feel like eating.
Lunch: Leftover lime chili pork roast soup, cole slaw. I didn't finish my lunch. I had to force myself to eat. Headachy, shaky, nauseous from not eating enough.
Dinner: Salmon with avocado salsa SOOO GOOD!! Dinner was light but I was not hungry afterwards.
Late Snack: Frittata (eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach, onions) I sampled it because I made it for the first time. This will be my breakfast. YUMMY!

What I love most about Whole 30:
1. I'm eating wholesome real food. No supplements, shakes, etc to buy.
2. I feel supported because tons of people are doing January Whole30 right now, including some of my closest friends. I always felt alone when I did GAPS because not many had heard of it. It is so nice to not feel isolated or different.
3. I feel in control of my food choices. I'm no longer impulse eating.

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