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Sunday, January 29, 2017

W30 D26, D27, D28 Almost There!

I can't believe my Whole30 is almost to a close! I have read and reread the Reintroduction section of the book to determine how I'd like to proceed post Whole30. I think I'd like to do a slow systematic reintroduction. Today is Sunday (1/29/17). W30 ends Tuesday (1/31).
On Wednesday (2/1/17), I'd like to reintroduce stevia in my tea. Thursday and Friday will be W30 as usual.
On Saturday (2/4/17), I will reintroduce my homemade plain yogurt. Sunday and Monday will be W30 as usual.
On Tuesday (2/7/17), I'll introduce a Paleo dessert. I haven't decided which one yet. Paleo bread with sugar free jelly and almond butter sounds devine right now!

I have been successful doing elimination diets in the past but I have always failed with the reintroduction period. Not. this. time. I'm determined and ready!

After having dates in coconut for my birthday, I have been craving sugar and sweets before bed. It scared me. I don't like feeling like I want to binge. That has since gone away which is a relief. But this lesson alone has made me realize I don't want to reintroduce much back into my food life. I would like to incorporate some Paleo bread and pancakes with Whole30 compliant ingredients.

Kevin has begun drinking tea in hopes of becoming less addicted to coffee and creamer. He talks about doing Whole30 one day. We'll see. He has been doing well on Low Carb so that's great for him!
Lately, I've been able to drink plain tea with plain almond milk and actually enjoy it! This is a first for me! NSV! I used to think tea tasted like dirty water.

Meal Plan 1/29-2/3:
Sunday: Pork Steaks with spiced applesauce on spinach
Monday: Zuppa Toscana in stir-fry form (I have no homemade broth)
Tuesday: Pork meatballs and green beans
Wednesday: Italian Chicken n Veggies (REINTRODUCE STEVIA)
Thursday: PFC meal with fried cauli "rice"
Friday: Steak with mashed cauliflower

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