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Thursday, January 12, 2017

W30 Day 10 & 11 Clarity

Day 10

I worked at Prep Freeze Cook and then came home and still felt good. My eyes started watering/burning which reminded me that they haven't watered in awhile. This used to happen a few times every day. It feels like I am chopping an onion even though I am not near any onions. Looks like this is another NSV. (Non-Scale Victory)

I made the most awesome Shepard's Pie for dinner. It is in the Whole 30 p. 350. I made Lemon Kale Chips from Elana's Pantry and BBQ-Spiced Kale Chips from the back of the Whole 30 Cookbook as a taste test! BBQ-Spiced WON! BEYOND GOOD! I am blown away every day with how amazing this food tastes. I've never eaten so good in my whole life. I do not feel deprived at all. I feel VERY satisfied every day after a meal.

Day 11

I stay up too late in the evenings watching Once Upon A Time. I feel so good I don't want to go to bed. It makes for tired mornings. After taking the kids to school, I did the dishes, laundry, cleaned the bathroom, organized recipes in to cookbooks and began going through my files! This attests to how GOOD I feel. Sorting paperwork is VERY difficult for me mentally. It takes so much energy for me to organize. Normally I procrastinate it. But I feel so CLEAR_HEADED and want my surroundings organized so I jumped in and did it today! My energy is very stable. I'm VERY motivated to continue cleaning/organizing and eating Whole 30 with NO cheats!



I am getting the same results on Whole30 as I did on GAPS (lots of de ja vu)  but the difference is I don't want to cheat on Whole 30. I don't feel deprived in my food choices as I did on GAPS. It has been 15 years since I began having food sensitivities/allergies. The internet was newer back then and not a great resource. I remember reading in books at the library trying to figure out how I could eat without pain/discomfort. I was living with vegetarians who ate grains and remember feeling different because I wanted to eat meat with no grains. I lacked the confidence in telling others that I knew what was best for myself. I began realizing that food was a big part of our society when I could no longer eat the same as others without terrible digestive results. Whole 30 didn't come out for 10 more years. Paleo resonated with me but not the part about eating like cavemen. I eat grain, sugar, dairy, legume free because it FEELS GOOD not because a caveman did it. LOL My body just can't handle those ingredients. Such a relief to find something that works, that is more mainstream, meaning thousands of people have gotten results and know about it, and brings me so much joy! Whole30 on...

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