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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

W30 D9 Remembering How Bad it Used to Be

Today I had absolutely no energy or motivation. I couldn't even wake up to get the kids ready for school. Kevin did. It wasn't til noon that I forced myself to eat (souffle and roasted veggies) and dinner (brats and steamed veggies) wasn't ready til 7 pm. Geesh! I can't believe this is how it used to be all the time. I've been having an exuberant amount of energy for the past few days and I think staying up late finally caught up with me. I plan on going to bed earlier tonight in hopes that my energy returns tomorrow. I've had this drive in me that was hard to turn off.

Other than that, no headaches, no nausea, and I actually pooped. Constipation has been another symptom.

I discovered Kale & Cigarettes. A hilarious blog about Whole30.

I'm hoping tomorrow I can make the Shepard's Pie that was supposed to be dinner tonight. I noticed today I felt VERY satisfied after eating meals. The food just tastes so amazing and delicious, more so than usual. 😀

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