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Monday, March 6, 2017

I Never Want To Forget

It's been awhile since I've blogged last. Lots has happened. I did a slow reintroduction. This list won't be very detailed because I haven't blogged in so long and forget the details of how I felt.

Here is the order and the results:

Yogurt (dairy): burpy

Paleo Desserts (sugar/honey): itchy

Yumz Sushi Restaurant (I'm guessing I was exposed to soy, dairy, sugar, gluten): small headache that didn't last long

Champagne and Wine on Valentine's Day (alcohol): small headache that didn't last long.

Ghirardelli Chocolate Bar: Nauseous for 20 hours. So bad I couldn't get out of bed to take my kids to school. I almost called in sick to work. The next day I was back to normal. I think the reason I felt SO BAD was because I ate SO MUCH chocolate. I couldn't stop. It is food without breaks.

Pulled Pork Mac n Cheese and 3 slices of Beer Bread (gluten): I had no energy the next day.

CONCLUSION: Diary, gluten, sugar make me itchy, burpy, and tired.

I really like Whole30 and the energy I feel on it. I'm starting another round on Feb 27 with my sister in law, brother, and mother.

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