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Saturday, November 16, 2013


Wikipedia states:
Rejuvelac is a non-alcoholic fermented liquid made from sprouted grains. It is purported to improve digestion of food. Rejuvelac can be drunk as a digestive aid or used as a starter culture for other fermented foods such as raw nut and seed yoghurts, cheeses, sauces and Essene Breads. Rejuvelac is prepared using whole wheatoatsryequinoabarleymilletbuckwheatrice and other types of grain. Rejuvelac is cloudy, with the colour of pale straw. It has a flavour that is lemony, sharp and slightly tangy, with a mild earthy aroma..

I used quinoa to make rejuvelac since I eat gluten free.

Here is what I did:
(1) Measure one cup quinoa (or other grain) and put in nut bag.
(2) Rinse with water 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days.The quinoa is ready once it grows tails (starts sprouting).
(3) Then I put it in a half gallon size canning jar covered by a paper towel and rubber band. I kept the quinoa in the nut bag so it would be easy to dispose of the quinoa when finished.
(4) For 3 days I let it sit. 
(5) I knew the rejuvelac was done once it had a lemony flavor and looked cloudy.
(6) I discarded the seeds and put the beverage in the fridge for later.

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