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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Dairy Kefir

Dairy kefir is really simple to make.  It is much easier to make than yogurt. Kefir is full of helpful probiotics and very healthy for you.

This is what kefir grains look like.

You put your kefir grains into a quart of milk. I use whole milk but you can use any type of milk, including raw.  Kefir needs oxygen to work so secure a paper towel over the top with a rubber band. Every 10 days your kefir grains will multiply and you can eat them, give them to a friend, or make more kefir. 

Let your kefir sit out for 24 hours. Strain the grains and enjoy.

Or you can do what I do and strain the whey out of the kefir for a thicker consistency. Save the whey in the fridge for future use.

My favorite way to eat kefir is with berries on top. Kefir is an acquired taste. It is a bit tart but delicious.

If your kefir separates into curds and whey it means it ran out of food to eat. You will need to take out some grains so this doesn't happen again or add more milk or let it sit out for a shorter period of time. It is still good to eat through, just stir it a bit and strain.

You can order your dairy kefir grains from Kefir Lady or Cultures for Health or from me for $10 plus shipping.

If you ever want to take a break from making kefir, put the grains in the fridge in some milk for a week. Change the milk every week. The grains will become sluggish and will take a few times of making kefir again to revive them. If they turn pinkish or grow mold throw them away.

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