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Monday, November 18, 2013

Lacto-Fermented Dehydrated Applesauce Fruit Leather

I recently did an experiment. I dehydrated homemade lacto-fermented applesauce and store bought applesauce to see which my family would like better.  Results below.  I got the recipe from here.

Here is how I made Lacto-Fermented Applesauce Fruit Leather:
Peel 7 medium sized organic apples. 

Cut apples into sections.

Add 1.5 teaspoons cinnamon and 2 Tablespoons whey to your apples.

 In a Vitamix or blender, blend until applesauce consistency.

Put the applesauce in a airlock quart size canning jar.
Let it sit on the shelf for 1-3 days. I let it sit for one day only. It ferments really fast.

Pour the lacto-fermented applesauce on a dehydrator tray (I cover my tray with parchment paper).  Dehydrate for 12 hours.
Peel the fruit leather off the parchment paper and cut in strips. The store bought applesauce is the lighter colored fruit leather. The lacto-fermented fruit leather is darker because I added cinnamon.  Enjoy!

Results of my experiment:
My husband and oldest son preferred the homemade applesauce fruit leather over the store bought applesauce fruit leather. They said it was less tart and more sweet.  My youngest son wouldn't even try it and he LOVES applesauce.

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