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Sunday, August 26, 2012

August 26-Sept 1, 2012 MENU PLAN

MONDAY:  Roast Chicken using Walking J Recipe
1 whole Walking J Farm chicken
1/2 lemon
sprig of rosemary
pinch of thyme
pinch of sage
chunk of butter
salt & butter to taste

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Wash thawed chicken and drain any liquid from inside.  Place on a rack in a roasting pan if you have one. Place the 1/2 lemon and herbs inside the cavity of the chicken.  Rub the outside skin with butter and sprinkle generously with salt and pepper.  Add 1/4 inch of water to the roasting pan.  Bake for 20 minutes per pound or until the meat falls off the bone (if you have meat thermometer, stick it in a thigh).
Optional: you can brine the chicken the day you cook it by placing the whole chicken in a large bowl with 1/2 to 1 cup salt - depending on your palette.  Let sit in the brine all day.  Drain and follow the above instructions.
Result:  So tasty.  Makes the skin extra yummy.

Veggie Pancakes:  Subbed almond flour and ground flax.
Result: Next time, make this recipe without subbing ingredients to determine difference.  Kids like it with ketchup. 

TUESDAY: Taco Tuesday!
Add taco seasoning to the roasted chicken from Monday's dinner.  Put in peppers with cheese on top.
Result:  I reacted to something.  Severe blisters/itchy lip, and itchy head for 10 hours. X prefers beef in his tacos not chicken.

WEDNESDAY: Result:  Delish!  Quick to make and a keeper.

THURSDAY: leftovers

FRIDAY: Costco pizza

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