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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Vitamix Giveaway

This is my 6th post for this blog and I can't help but notice 2 of them have been about my VitaMix.  This morning I found out that there is a VitaMix Giveaway on Elana's Pantry, a gluten free blog I follow.  I didn't want any of my readers to miss out on this news.  I have only used a VitaMix for the past 2-3 weeks but can't say enough positive things about it.  It makes eating healthy that much easier because in seconds you can make your own almond milk, smoothies, soups, and grind flour for bread.  You can even blend compost scraps for your garden or worm bin.  The list goes on and on.....  Last night I came home and K and X had made me vegan peach-triple berry icecream. Now that I can get used to!
Here is what I've said about the VitaMix in earlier posts: Click here!  And here!

I suggest you head on over to and enter to win.  Plus check out all the great recipes she has.  She is quite an inspiration.


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