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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Carrot Almond Porridge

My husband has begun a 30 day cleanse by going RAW.  The RAW movement is huge and he has been reading about it for months.  So he is giving it a try.  One of the best parts of it is the family benefits greatly.  We are eating in new healthy ways I had never thought of before.  Experimentation in our kitchen is in high gear with great results.  Have fun experimenting in your kitchen!

Carrot Almond Porridge
First make Carrot Apple Ginger Juice:
*6 carrots
*2 medium green apples
*1 inch ginger root, unpeeled
*6 cups of water

Put all the ingredients in the VitaMix and blend until smooth.  Strain the pulp out using a strainer or cheese cloth.  Add cinnamon, nutmeg, and 2 teaspoons agave nectar to the pulp.

Next, make almond milk:
*2 cups almonds, soaked in water for 10 hours.
*6 dates
*6 cups water
*2 teaspoons vanilla extract

After soaking the almonds, rinse and drain them.  Add all ingredients in the VitaMix and blend until smooth.  Strain the pulp out.

Finally mix the pulp from both recipes together until well blended.  Add some almond milk back into it until the texture satisfies you.  I also added some raisins and whole almonds for crunch.
ENJOY!!  When juicing, reusing the pulp means extra nutrition for you.  A win-win situation.


  1. This recipe sounds really, really yummy! Makes me want a Vita Mix so I can do stuff like this!

  2. I am totally addicted to our Vita Mix. Just got it a few weeks ago. How did I ever live without one? I'll never
