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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Homemade Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream

Tonight Kevin mentioned I should make pumpkin pie ice cream for dessert.  A few days ago I baked a long-necked pumpkin-type squash.  I'm not sure of it's technical name.  I bought it at the Tuesday Food Bank Farmers Market.  I put the huge squash on a cookie tray and put it in the oven on 350 for an hour.  (Actually an hour and 20 minutes because I forgot about it.)  It came our perfect.  After cooling, I pureed it in the VitaMix and put it in baggies to freeze.

Here's what I did tonight in the VitaMix:
*2-3 cups pureed frozen pumpkin/squash
*3 cups milk or milk alternative
*1/4 cup Lakanto (sugar substitute)

It literally took 5 seconds until creamy goodness was ready to consume.  Then we put cinnamon and pecan meal in it.  It was AMAZING!!  Kevin is still talking about it.  He said he would never need dessert (you know, the sweet bad-for-you kind)  if we can make food taste this good.  SCORE!  That is my goal.  To feed my family healthy alternatives so they feel full and satisfied without the sweets. 

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