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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hooked on No 'poo

Back in college (2001) I volunteered at a natural foods store and read a sign in the back of the store stating sodium laureth sulfate in shampoo is bad for us.  Click here to read about SLES  It is a really random memory but that is when my thought of finding a shampoo alternative began.  Sooo..........9 years later I made my first batch of no'poo.
I became inspired to make my own no'poo because a few of my friends have made theirs with good results.
Click here for the full scoop:

1 part baking soda to 3 parts water
Apply on dry scalp (not hair) for 3-4 minutes and rinse.  If you apply baking soda to hair it may dry it out.

I made it into a paste and put it on the roots of my dry hair.  I then added extra water to the left over amount and poured it on my hair.  I have really long hair so I first washed the roots and then the long part.  Applying the mixture is not fun for me.  I do not like the texture on my scalp.  But when I rinse it off my hair instantly feels so fresh and soft.  I absolutely LOVE the end results!!  My friend boils her mixture so the baking soda dissolves.  I have not found that technique helpful but want to try and try again.......

1 part apple cider vinegar to 4 parts water
1/2 t vanilla
1 cinnamon stick
Apply to hair (not scalp) for 30 seconds then rinse.  If you apply vinegar to scalp it may cause it to get greasy.

The biggest question I get: "Does your hair smell like vinegar afterwards?"  The answer, "No."  I am sensitive to vinegar so I won't be using the conditioner anymore.  But I do like what it does to my hair.  I also applied regular conditioner to my hair because I have so many tangles.

Here is another link with recipes for more no 'poo.

What I'm hoping to try in the future:
*Conditioner options: lemon juice, olive oil, avocado oil
*Turn shower water COLD before getting out to reduce tangles
*Use less baking soda or vinegar and more water per solution mixture.
( ex: 1 part baking soda to 8 parts water)

I love my no 'poo and will never go back to regular shampoo.  It is SOOO much cheaper and safer to make your own.  HAVE FUN! Let me know how it turns out.

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