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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

2 Recipes for Pumpkin/Squash

I bought a big pumpkin squash type thing at the El Presidio Farmers Market.  A local high school grew it and I bought it for $7.  We have got about 50 cups of goodness from it plus the seeds.  AMAZING!  That is a huge savings of money and it tastes soooo good.  I'll stop talking about all of its goodness since you aren't here for me to share it with.

We have made umpteen pumpkin pie ice cream smoothies with it.  Here's how that goes:
In Vitamix, put 2 cups frozen pureed pumpkin. Sprinkle in nutmeg, cinnamon, and pecan meal.  Add milk or your dairy alternative.  We use soy or almond milk.  Depending upon how much dairy you add will determine if it is the consistency of ice cream or a smoothie.  Blend on high and drink up!!!

No guilt here because we don't add sugar.  Learning to appreciate the real flavor of food instead of dumping sugar or salt on foods is a great way to be healthy.  And by calling it Ice Cream I trick my brain into thinking I am eating dessert.  Works every time.  We love letting the 3 year old eat "ice cream" for breakfast.

For dinner I made a pumpkin sausage dish.
* 2-3 cups pureed pumpkin or squash
*onion chopped
* eggplant in cubes
*1 cup chicken broth
*1 cup sausage

I sauteed the onions and sausage until onions were soft.  Then I added everything else until it was soft and hot.  You can serve it over rice, quinoa or your favorite grain.  I did not serve it over anything because I follow the Food Combining Principle from the bodyecologydietcom.  Food Combining Principle states:  Thou shalt not combine protein with a carbohydrate/starch because your body will have difficulty digesting it. 

Ok, I worded the principle but you get the idea.  Our body uses different enzymes to digest watermelon and steak.  Also, the amount of time our body takes to digest these foods is different.  If you combine protein and carbs your body will not digest them fully which means you will miss out on all the nutrition.  Read a better description about it here.

Time for me to go make another pumpkin smoothie.........

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