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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Day 2 of Charting FBS

108 wake up at 6:40 am 8 points higher than it should be but 10 points lower than yesterday!

Breakfast was 4 eggs and pico de gallo again.

At 9:24 I ate a banana. It helped a little with the nausea.

Nausea all morning. 96 at 11:24 am. (2 hours after eating) I would have thought with a 96 i would have felt good but nope.

Lunch was Italian Sausage Butternut Squash Collars Greens Enchiladas. Delish! Nausea was instantly gone! I became full of energy!

2:48 pm 115. (2 hours after lunch) Nausea was back full time.  I drank 100% natural AloeCure. Instantly nausea/anxiety was gone!!

9:30 pm it was 100. Still no nausea which is incredible because I'm always nauseous.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Day 1 Testing Blood Sugars

Woke up with Fasting Blood Sugars at 118 at 7am. 100-126 is Pre-diabetic range.

Breakfast was 4 eggs and paleo English muffin (no dairy, grains, soy, sugar in it).
116 after breakfast 8:45am.

112, 2 hours after breakfast 11am. Feeling nauseous.

92 after lunch (pork roast, I had no veggies available) 11:45am. Feeling amazing! Nausea and anxiety is gone. I felt the best now than I did any other time today!

 91 at 1pm. Nauseous again.

123 at 3:30pm after 20 minutes Elliptical Machine and 2 hours after eating. The exercise helped my anxiety and nausea.

 120 5:45 pm 2 hours after I ate 2 bananas and cashew butter. Feeling good.

 123 at 8:30 pm 2 hours after dinner (Italian Sausage Butternut Squash Collards Greens Enchiladas). Feeling good.

Saturday, February 10, 2018


Last Saturday, at 2 am, I got up to go the bathroom and fainted. Kevin said I was incoherent for about 10 minutes. We didn't go to the ER because I felt good after eating turkey and potatoes. Then the doctor called saying my glucose lab came back high (103, it should be below 100). So I made an appointment to get my A1C checked. My A1C was 4.9 which is normal. The doctor didn't listen to me, told me I was pre-diabetic and left. She told me I should see a nutritionist. When I told her I don't eat refined sugar or processed foods she told me I need a little bit of that in my life. Hahaha. She's so full of shit.

The whole appointment pissed me off because I had no time to explain that I'm a runner and my blood sugar and blood pressure usually run low. My friend sent me an article stating how runners have a lower resting heart rate and when they stand from laying the blood pools in their legs and can't make it to their heart fast enough so they pass out. This describes to me better what happened than saying I'm pre-diabetic.

So I was pissed and anxious about this experience for 2 days. Many on Facebook said I'm healthy and should get a second opinion. I think I'll buy a meter and chart my blood sugars for awhile to learn what it reads when I feel shaky or nauseous. I had a realization that maybe I don't have food allergies, maybe I get nauseous from some foods because my blood sugar is off. Maybe the nausea is caused by my blood sugars being wonky and not the food! I have never thought about it this way before. Maybe some day I'll see an endocrinologist.

Because of this experience I binged on low carb fudge leftover from Christmas. It was delicious but my doctor was wrong. I do not need this in my life. Makes me nauseous.

Other than this experience I've been 100% W30 compliant and been experiencing Tiger Blood! I feel happy, positive, and motivated about life! But my anxiety has been more pronounced than usual. I think I just hate being told I'm sick when I exercise/eat right and feel so healthy!

I know what's best for me and I'm going to keep doing ME! 😀

Sunday, February 4, 2018

February W30 Another Round

After completing the January Whole30 I've decided to jump right into another round! Goals for February:
Yoga 3 times a week,
Run or walk MJ every day,
Eating W30,
Morning/Bedtime Routine.
I think I can do it!!

So far on D4. Today I woke up feeling positive and rested. Starting my workout routine today. Fainted on D2 so I feel happy to feel so good today!! I'm hoping I get Tiger Blood in full force this time!!

W30 D18-30

I meant to get on here and blog but never did. My tiger blood never came in full force where I want to clean and organize. I think because I was taking Candida products and was killing Candida. I went to the doctor because I itched so bad. She said it was hemmorhoids. So not a big deal. Caused by pregnancies. I don't have Candida so I stopped the products.

On D28 I ate Marcos pizza. It was intentional and tasted absolutely amazing. It felt worth it! Then I had coconut yogurt with rice starch and cottage cheese with applesauce. I never got itchy but the next 2 days resulted in a deep dark depression with severe anxiety. It was so bad. Reminded me of my dark days in Tucson when I went through my divorce and then again after having babies. I'm not 100% sure it was caused by Candida products or noncompliant food but I don't want to experiment and find out.

Started up another round on February 1 and have been compliant since!! I want to add exercise back in too especially yoga! Chale and I are going to start going to the gym and holding each other accountable.

On Feb 2 at 2 am I went to go the bathroom and fainted while washing my hands. I've been getting more dizzy than usual when standing up but this was the first time I fainted. By the time mom got here so we could go to the ER I had eaten turkey, veggies, and potatoes and felt better. I plan on getting my lab work done tomorrow. I think I hadn't eaten much for breakfast or drank much water and stood too quickly which caused me to faint. Also someone sent me an article about runners fainting because their resting heart rate is so low and blood doesn't have time to go from their feet to their heart. It said nothing is wrong. So it makes me less worried.

Goals for February: Yoga 3 times a week. Walk or run MJ every day. Morning/bedtime routine. Eating W30 compliant! I think I can do it!! 😀

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Day 14, 15, 16, 17

I've been having a mild form of Tiger Blood. I ate coconut milk yogurt with rice starch or the taco seasoning had gluten in it but I felt REALLY itchy on Day 15. It was miserable and made the food I ate not worth it. Only lasted a day, thank God.

I've been on Renew Life CandiSmart for 8 of 15 days. My Candida Wellness products came so I'm switching over to that program early. I just want to heal as fast as possible and stop being so itchy.

Day 17 and I'm more exhausted than usual. Hoping I have my energy back tomorrow. Also I've been anxious today. Not sure why. I just think healing is going to take time because I'm so sick with Candida.

I've also lost my appetite. Just not eating as much. This happened before and it's nice not to be craving sweets anymore. The Sugar Dragon is asleep. The first 2 weeks I was always hungry.

I made Dump Ranch for the first time. It was really easy and I like it better than Tessemae's!

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Almost Half Way

I'm almost half way through another round, my 2nd full round. Day 13. I'm also struggling with a yeast infection and began Renew Life CandiSmart 15 day Yeast Cleanse Program. I'm on Day 5 of that! The first day, 1.9.13. I was nauseous and exhausted from die-off but it only lasted one day from starting the supplements.

I've had 2 dreams of eating soy sauce, ice cream, and cheezits! Only a bite of each because I really didn't want them. I made 900 meals in 2 days at work and by the end of the second day I would normally be exhausted but I was full of energy for a Friday night! It felt like the beginnings of Tiger Blood but I don't have that energy today, Saturday, 1.13.18. I went to yoga at Green Top this morning! It felt good to stretch. Yoga feels as challenging as running does. 
I weighed myself for the first time since December. 157.5. Waist 35". That's 2 pounds more than at Christmas and 2 inches bigger also. I'm thankful I'm not focusing on those numbers anymore and doing this so I don't itch anymore and will have more energy and less brain fog. 
Another NSV is that all the meals I've made lately taste amazing! Better and more satisfying than usual! I'm putting all leftovers in portioned glass containers for lunches. It makes eating leftovers easier. I'm saving all my favorite recipes on a Pinterest board so I don't lose them!

I've just read through my blogs from my first round a year ago. One thing I've noticed is I've never had chronic headaches since last year! And I kept 10 pounds off last year! I'm still itchy as ever, even more so. My goal is to focus on becoming less itchy and more energetic!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Another Round of W30

Jan 1, 2018 began another round of Whole30. November 2016 was my first attempt at W30. I lasted a few weeks. January 2017 was my first successful round. Then I did mini resets in March, May and November. Now I'm doing my second full W30. Chale and I plan on doing it W90 or longer! We'll see...

I'm proud of

Days 1-4 I had Tiger Blood. I thought maybe I would skip the nausea exhausted cravings but that came on Day 5.

Day 5 was rough. Days 6-8 weren't much easier. I went to the doctor for a yeast infection and he said there wasn't anything he could do for me since I take a medication that isn't compatible with Diflucan. So I'm treating it naturally with Renew Life 15 Day Yeast Cleanse.

Day 9- I started the cleanse and felt exhausted, nauseous, and brain foggy. I reminded myself that this is temporary and Tiger Blood is waiting for me!

Chale and I text every day and support each other. This is so helpful!