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Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Story

In July 2002, I went to Mexico City for one month. Three days into the trip I fainted twice, eliminating in my pants, and became ill. My body has never been the same since.

Before my trip to Mexico I could eat anything with no symptoms, for the most part. I had been on birth control for years and antibiotics for sinus infections (which I now realize is one of the reason for my health issues). In Mexico, my new symptoms were diarrhea, nausea, food intolerances, and itchy hives. The doctor in Mexico gave me antibiotics for parasites, and put me on a plain fruit/veggie diet for a month. The culprit was that I tried too many new- spicy foods too fast and temporarily became allergic to all food. He said upon returning to the U.S. my symptoms would vanish.

Well....they didn't.

The next year (2002-2003) I could only work part time upon returning to the USA because of how sick I was.  3 rounds of heavy antibiotics and various diet that did not work made me WORSE.  My mom sent me a small box from Renew Life that was to kill parasites.  I took those sups because I was desperate and thought I was dying.  I honestly thought my life was over.  After that month, I noticed I felt a bit better.  I only ate meat and veggies.  Nothing else.  I missed cereal and milk so much.  But I noticed a difference.  Due to financial limitations, I did not continue that diet or supplements.  I went back to my old ways.  Things got worse.  But I knew there was hope and that I was not dying.  

Over the years I developed new symptoms such as depression, anxiety/panic attacks, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, hives, hypoglycemia, fatigue, digestive problems, itchiness all over my body, and yeast infections.  Divorce in 2004 sent me spiraling into a terrible depression.  My entire world turned upside down.  I was 25.  The stress was unbelievable.  I bought a house to help me feel grounded again.  Fixing up this house became my creative outlet and rock as I slowly rebuilt my life.

 After countless visits with doctors, I was told they could not figure out what was wrong. Over the years, I have been diagnosed with Depression/Anxiety, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Hypoglycemia, Leaky Gut, Gut Dysbiosis, PMDD,and Systemic Yeast Infection. All these diagnoses came slowly year after year from 2002 until present day, 2012. Since the conventional method has failed me, I decided to go the natural way. After years of experimentation with food and vitamin supplements, I've discovered it best to eat without gluten, sugar, dairy, and yeast.

Having issues with food has impacted me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It has sent me to my lowest lows and my highest highs. It has opened doors to new opportunities. It has moved me away from the Standard American Diet (SAD) and brought me to appreciate the diversity of seasonal, local, and organic whole foods. It has renewed my desire to cook fresh, healthy foods for my family. It has given me a spirit of appreciation for how food is grown and for the farmers who grow it. It has opened my eyes into the way the government controls our food supply and how food consumption makes Americans sick. Food is my passion. And I hope to inspire others to find new health, new energy, and creativity in the kitchen.

After giving birth (Oct. 2007 and Nov. 2009) my body changed.  I experienced PPD/Intrusive Thoughts.  My food allergies increased and I could no longer figure out my trigger foods.  Foods that normally didn't bother me began to bother me.  I did the Candida Wellness Program (candida diet) in Provo, Utah for 3 months (2008) and felt so much better. But I did not continue the Probiotics and turned back to my old ways of eating which lead me right back to how I was feeling prior to the diet change.  PPD did not let up so I went back to work thinking that would help (Aug. 2008).  Next baby came and I no longer had PPD. :)  I have stayed on my meds to prevent any relapses.

On February 24, 2012, I woke up at 4:21 a.m. to severe constant pain radiating from my abdomen, right side, and right shoulder.  It was the intensity of giving birth but without the contractions.  I could do nothing but lay in a ball and moan.  I could not move.  I called to Kevin who began researching on the internet about my symptoms. Our kids were sleeping and I couldn't move so I decided not to go to the ER.  I began doing labor breathing to get through the pain.  We thought perhaps it was gall bladder attack.  There is a family history and the symptoms seemed to fit the description.  Kevin gave me baking soda in water and that began to relieve the symptoms immediately.  I then thought it was just bloating so I was no longer worried.  I wasn't even going to see my doctor but Kevin insisted that I do.

At the appointment all signs led to gall stones.  I went that afternoon of an ultrasound and blood work.  Everything cleared.  I was healthy and normal.  The ultrasound technician even joked, "Your gallbladder is beautiful and free of stones!"

This has been the story of my life.  For 10 years now I have been told that I am healthy and normal.  But I am not healthy or normal.  Something is very wrong with my body and it progressively gets worse and the medical field has failed me....... again.

The following day I went for an abdominal massage because I was so achy.  I told my massage therapist about what happened and gave her my health history over the past 10 years.  She recommended I see a NMD in town that she has heard great things about.  I called Dr. June Stevens right away and got an appointment for that week.

At the appointment I had all the documentation I've collected about myself over all the years.  She took notes for 2 hours while I told her everything. Seeing her has changed my life.  She did am IGg food allergy test.  29 food allergies showed up.  I began taking Mycostat for 3 months to kill the yeast, ate very strict, and began logging everything.  I was introduced to GAPS and love it!  There is a huge community of believes that GAPS has saved them.  I am now a believer because I have been reaping the benefits of the GAPS diet also.  GAPS stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome.  Created my a mom (Of course!) trying to cure her daughter of autism.  Natasha Campbell- McBride is a neurosurgeon and nutritionist.  She has helped thousands all over the world. My constipation got better, I lost 25 pounds, itchies became less, brain fog, cramps, bloating all became better.  Mood swings continued so I was diagnosed with PMDD (Premenstrual Disphoric Disorder), severe PMS.  I am currently charting my body temperatures to determine hormone levels/organ function.  I also had a blood test done for my thyroid and hormones.  Of course, it came back normal. (Only thing low was Vitamin D) But I've been reading how I could have a sub-clinical issue that would not show up in a blood test.  So the journey continues.....


  1. What (and how) you eat certainly does affect how you feel. Much more than most people realize. When I started working out regularly I found I could no longer eat the junk I had been eating for so long. Meat, processed foods, white sugar and white flour, lots of dairy- these all had to go and organic fruits and veggies, grains and nuts took their place and guess what? I found that, not only did I feel better, but I enjoyed good healthy food soooo much more than I had ever enjoyed junk food.

  2. "I enjoyed good healthy food soooo much more than I had every enjoyed junk food." I find that also, Robert. It is sooo true. And I love living so much more also, when I eat good fresh food. I had never realized how crummy I felt from food until I stopped eating the processed kind.
